More info about me

Likes: MCR, drawing, reading fanfic, Tumblr, early 2000s nostalgia, internet history, horror, tomagachis

Dislikes: queerphobes, bigots, internet discourse, censorship

Fandoms: MCR, Creepypasta, The Magnus Archives, SCP


Note: I don't have a dni because I think they're pointless. :)

I'm queer, alterhuman, use neopronouns & xenogenders, i'm a self shipper, am against harassment of any kind, am against censorship, and think discourse is stupid. I'm also obviously not pro contact for harmful paraphilias. I am very kink positive. Also, I am an adult and will post about adult things! Please keep that in mind when interacting, especially if you're a minor.If you don't like any of those things feel free to block me. I block TERFS, transmeds, queerphobes, bigots in general, and harassers on sight.


Agender pride
Lesbian pride
Cringe culture is dead
I love violence
Hell yeah, i'm weird!
Owned by a cat (in ref to my f/o)
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance